Round 2 - Concept 1, Font 1
Main Font: Oranienbaum
Secondary Font: Abel
These two fonts pair VERY well together!
They are both timeless fonts (as you mentioned the other might go out of style eventually, even though that’s what’s super trendy right now). I love these together! I am showing you the concepts on a white background on purpose.
Oranienbaum & Abel
Oranienbaum & Abel
Oranienbaum & Abel
Round 2 - Concept 1, Font 2
Main Font: Oranienbaum
Secondary Font: Quicksand
These two fonts also pair VERY well together!
They are both timeless fonts (as you mentioned the other might go out of style eventually, even though that’s what’s super trendy right now). I love these together! I am showing you the concepts on a white background on purpose.