If God has put something on your heart, GO FOR IT. Do not let fear or perfectionism or lack of knowledge hold you back. Take that first step, and just do the dang thang.
Let me take you back to July 6, 2020… The day I announced the launch of Those Hendys on Facebook and Instagram.
So as of July 6th, Evan and I had been taking photos & videos as a team for years. However, for months previous to this, God had really been putting it on our hearts to start incorporating our marketing and design skills into what we do. I had been taking a Digital Marketing Certification course on Google Garage to become better equipped for my full-time job in ministry (I do have a degree in Business Management and Marketing, but I wanted more up-to-date trends and knowledge). Once I started doing this course, I realized how I could take my knowledge to, at the very least, consult with people I personally knew about how to make their business goals achievable.
On July 6th, I had one client for a logo + website design, and another client for a website design… I also had two people who just wanted some advice about how to help their website or business grow through digital platforms.
Let’s fast forward to 26 days after taking the first step…
It is now August 1st, and I had no idea what things were possible in such a short amount of time. As of today, I’ve created 9 logos, designed 6 websites, and have 3 clients who have purchased monthly packages for social media/marketing from me… it has been 26 days, and so much has changed. I have been able to help so many people. I’ve learned so much, and I didn’t expect this to be where I would be less than one month from launching!
I currently have 4 more website contracts from people needing websites within a 2 week time frame. I have 3 logo contracts from people needing their logo designed this week. Oh, and not to mention the amount of “potential” people who are gathering information and making a decision about whether to move forward with our services.
Is it overwhelming?
Do I feel overwhelmed? Do I feel scared? The weirdest part is that I don’t. I cannot explain it. I have a full-time job, so it’s not like this side business is what I’m doing during working hours of the day. All of these things are taking place AFTER work hours, every single night. It’s a temporary season of hustle, but for some reason I feel so much rest within the hustle.
How do you find rest in the hustle?
It really is the peace of God. I believe I have so much PEACE because this is what He is calling me to do. He has lead me here, and He’s guiding my steps every single day. I go to Him for strength, and just thank Him that I even have this opportunity to help people! I am JUST starting to do this, so I do not charge what most people do. That’s on purpose. One, because I haven’t made a name for myself outside of my current job. Two, because I really want to do this to bless people. I wanted to just do this for free at first, but then I realized that it really was taking up my time with my husband and puppy every single night. So I took a step back and evaluated what I would need to be compensated moving forward.
Ok ok, so how did you get to this place in only 26 days?
So… how on earth did I get SO many clients in such a short amount of time? I mean, besides the fact that I believe God has placed people in my path, I did a few practical things:
Step One: I stepped out of my comfort zone and went for it.
It took a while, but I finally STEPPED OUT of my comfort zone and went for it! My website was/is definitely not perfect. I debated on our name “Those Hendys” for over a YEAR (which I now see was perfect timing because God wanted us to do more than just photo/video). However, instead of waiting until I had it all “figured out”, I took the first step. I honestly got forced to, because two people kept asking me for marketing help and they had no idea what God had been putting on my heart. Then once I started to help them, I realized how there’s more people out there who have big dreams and visions and just need help with the technical/marketing side of that. Someone to help them that doesn’t charge a ton -- because I’ll be honest, most start-ups do not have much money to invest in marketing! I never want money to be what holds someone back from achieving success in what God has called them to do.
Step 2: I got to work.
I just got to work. I kept working on a logo and two websites for those two clients, and started just diving into all things marketing. I did so much research, watched so many videos, took so many notes, and I am ALWAYS listening to podcasts about Freelance or Web Design or Marketing while I’m in my car. I try not to waste any time in my day. I find little times to rest, workout, cook, eat healthy -- but I’m not watching tv, not scrolling on social media. I’m taking the moments I’m awake to work my regular full-time job, then I get off work and get to work on my business. I make use of the hours I’m awake, without burning myself out.
Once I got to work, people started referring their friends to me! It honestly has been ALL word-of-mouth so far. Which I’m thankful for, because I’m still so “new” at this business, so taking it step by step has been so helpful. God has placed the right people in my path!
Step 3: I don’t let myself get overwhelmed.
I know not everyone has a relationship with God, but that’s my story and that’s what I’m going to talk about. I really do find my rest in Him. I try not to get overwhelmed… I mean, it’s hard, but I remember where my strength comes from. I will get off work at 5pm, then make a list of what I need to work on for the rest of the night for clients. I just go down the list and mark things complete. I don’t get to everything each day, and that’s ok. I don’t feel anxious, or that things are moving too quickly. I just figure it out. Also, I have to shoutout to my husband Evan, because he is really a rock in my life and helps with the design and creative things before I send them out. He helps out around the house and with our pup, and is just so incredibly encouraging and helpful. I couldn’t do this without God and Evan!
Step 4: I made Those Hendys, LLC more legitimate.
Since I am now doing work for people who don’t personally know me, I decided I needed to become more legitimate. I didn’t do this when I first launched because I really wasn’t sure where this was going to go. I mean after all, I just started to help some people I knew. Thank GOD I didn’t see where this was going to be heading because I probably would’ve never started in the first place. What a tragedy that would’ve been.
So practically — I had to do research on what a contract should include, and I created contract templates for each of the services we provide. For tax purposes, I decided to make Those Hendys an LLC company. I also filed for a Tax ID number. Like, what? I didn’t realize I would even need to do these things! I just knew I wanted to help people in my free-time and make some extra money to pay off my student loans from college. But I think God just has more. So I invested in making the company more legit and official.
Step 5: Give yourself GRACE.
You need to extend grace to yourself. I’m still so new at this side of things. I do things like this full-time, but I work for a company that handles the business side of things. I have learned SO MUCH in 26 days, but I still have so much to learn. And I’m ready. I am so excited to see what God is about to do through this. The timing is perfect, because the timing is His. I will continue to make changes to my pricing, my packages, and my website. But I think that’s the point. You CAN make changes as you progress! I used to be so caught up in having everything “perfect” before launching, but there’s just some things we don’t learn until we start doing.